Newness of Life

I started this post at the beginning of December. Before I began to write, I took a deep breath and asked the LORD what to write on my blank page. Newness of Life came to mind immediately. It struck me as the title, though I didn’t know where it came from, as it is not something I had heard or had been in my mind. Now as I finally finish the post on New Year’s Eve, it seems to have more relevance. So come Holy Spirit, and show us what Newness of Life means in the new year.

Celebration. We have much to celebrate. Thanksgiving was a time of celebration for us as a family and for the ministry, and for this past year as a whole. Thanksgiving is a US holiday, so naturally it is not observed here. While many of you were gathered with loved ones eating turkey, potatoes and many other favorites, we got to celebrate Vanessa’s 6th grade graduation. The Nicaraguan school year runs from February-November, hence graduation in November. Vanessa is a good student who tries her best and holds herself to a high standard. We are proud of her work and pray she continues to seek excellence in what she does.

Nicaraguan culture really enjoys its celebrations, taking extra time and expense to make each celebration special. As you can see in the pictures, Vanessa’s school had lots of decorations, a red carpet and fancy clothes as the students relished the accomplishment of finishing elementary school, and celebrated their entrance to high school.

Speaking of high school and celebrations, the day after Vanessa’s we got to celebrate Margine’s graduation! Over the past few years, there were many times we wondered if Margine would make it. I’ve mentioned her difficulty at school before, but beyond that we were worried some neighborhood boy would woo her and effectively ruin her academic future. Teen pregnancy rates in Nicaragua are top 3 worldwide, and its something we’ve seen with every girl that has left our program. So for Margine to finish high school, especially from her neighborhood and background, merits a huge celebration. I could go on and on about all the difficulties, internal struggles, and other challenges she had to overcome, but suffice it to say we rejoice in the LORD for His faithfulness to carry her through. Not by strength, nor by power, but by His Spirit! (Zech 4:6)

Margine is still figuring out what her next steps will be, but she has expressed interest in studying English in college. We continue to pray for the LORD to reveal His plans to her as He knows the place He has for her.

Jeremy and Ezequiel also finished the school year and are ready to move on to the next grade. Jeremy will start 10th grade next year, and our biggest prayer for him is to put effort into his learning. He is a capable student and has the intelligence to do well, but he doesn’t apply himself to his work. We are thankful for his good-natured heart and character, and pray he continues to guard himself against the many societal pressures he faces in his neighborhood.

Ezequiel enters 6th grade and continues to enjoy being at school. Friends and classmates motivate him more than studies, but we are really proud of how far he has come since entering 3rd grade unable to read or write his name. He is enrolled in an extra resource program at school, with some differentiated learning in his classes. His teachers speak well of him, and he talks freely about how he feels cared for at school. We thank God for the many teachers and staff who have cared for him and all the children over so many years at the school.

I have more to share in the coming weeks, but can’t let this opportunity pass to ask for your prayers for Jan. He left the ministry at the end of 2020 of his own accord, and has struggled mightily since. I have been working the last couple weeks to get him connected to a rehab center where we pray he finds a way forward. His family has been unable to deal with him and even called the police to take him to jail. He spent one night there before being released. He says he wants to change, but the addiction is strong and he really needs the LORD to intervene in a powerful way. I know the LORD’s never given up on Jan, and neither have we. Not by strength, nor by power, but by His Spirit!

As the year comes to a close, we thank you for your support. We deal with the battles and the hardships and the uncertainty of life in this country, and we know the prayers of the saints are before the Father on our behalf. He is our sustenance and the One who sustains us. All too often we try with our strength and understanding, but it is never enough. He IS. May we rely on Him more and more, trusting in His goodness and faithfulness, crying out to Him daily, not only in our time of need. He has New Life, Abundant Life for us. Jesus has already made the way, that we may walk with Him in Newness of Life. Glory to Your Name!


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