
“Edifica” = Edify:  to be a house-builder* (Ephesians 4:11,12,13-15,16,17-28,29,30-32)

Edifying:  administration of a household; steward* (1 Timothy 1:4,5-8)

“Edificación” = Edification:  a family dwelling; also a temple, an edifice* (2 Corinthians 10:1-7,8)

“Sión” = Zion:  the eternal dwelling place of YHVH (Micah 4:1,2,3-6,7,8-13)

“EdificaSión” (pronounced like Edificación above)= Edify Zion

In the Priesthood of Jesus the Messiah, High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek¹, we are called to be edifiers.  This edification is of the House of the LORD–His Body, His Temple, Zion–which are spiritual in nature, and cannot be built by the hands of men.  Only when our hearts are prepared by the Maker of Heaven and Earth will we be fit to be edifiers of His Name. ¹ (Genesis 14:18-20; Psalm 110; Hebrews 5:6-10; 7)

As priests and stewards equipped by and with the Word of the LORD, Jesus raises up His Family through us.  It is a planting of His children, and a harvest of His sons and daughters.  In this edification they will find their place in God’s Family, and in it they will know their identity in His Son.

This is the LORD’s primary purpose for EdificaSion: that the children He has entrusted us with would know their identity in Christ.  In the LORD’s plans and timing, we also believe He will call us to continue this edification on a larger scale, providing a safe place for more families to come and dwell under the covering of the Temple and Tabernacle of His Presence.

*Definitions from Strong’s Concordance