
We hope you are well. It's hard to say that we are well. I don't think we really are. Things have been difficult. On the other hand, we're healthy and safe, for which we are truly grateful. Vanessa Enjoying a Birthday Cupcake In the last…

Summer Time

Hello there. I truly don't know how four months have passed since I last wrote a post. My apologies. Things have been busy, but that's still no excuse for letting this much time pass. We are still in the construction process. We can see the…

Bumpy Beginnings

The first two months of 2022 have come and gone. We hope it was a good beginning for you and yours. As anticipated, it has been a bumpy beginning for us in the midst of so many changes. Jeruahel started school in January at NCAI,…


As we say goodbye to 2021, this seems like a fitting title. We celebrated both Jeruahel's kindergarten graduation and Jeremy's 6th grade graduation on Thanksgiving day. Jeruahel burst with excitement at seeing her friends and teachers for the first time in a few months (after…

Merry Christmas

¡Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas from Managua, Nicaragua! We hope and pray that you and yours are able to focus on the Peace, Hope, Joy and Love of this season as we remember the gift of God through His Son, Jesus Christ, and the new life…


A beach trip we took two weeks before we got Covid I re-read my last post to get ready to write this one. It was evident I tried to get a lot of information into that post, so I'm going to slow down a little…

Holy is the LORD

Greetings! We hope you are able to know the joy the of the LORD, even in the midst of such turmoil around the world. Turmoil has certainly surrounded us this summer. We've experienced difficulty in seemingly every aspect of life. Yet through it all, the…
Back Again

Back Again

Thank you for your patience with me. I was very relieved to recover the old website last weekend and get the site back up again! Usually, the rainy season begins in Nicaragua sometime mid-late May. We had three days in a row last week that…

Springing Up

Here in Nicaragua, it feels like Spring is upon us. We have had an uncharacteristically "cold winter", though the use of those two words in this tropical climate seems out of place. Just a month ago reports came in of an actual freezing temperature at the highest peak in the northern mountains of Nicaragua! This was big news. The day's temperature scarcely varies more than 4 degrees Fahrenheit from the average, but we even had one day that was 10 degrees below average! The weather here has definitely been different from what I've been accustomed to in my 16 years in Nicaragua. As Easter week approaches, the sun has finally begun to scorch again, though I can't say we missed it.


Greetings in the Peace of Christ. We are excited to report that we made our Phase 2 fundraising goal! We eclipsed the $16,000 mark with a little room to spare, which is great considering that material prices have gone up since the initial quotes we received in November. Thankfully, I discovered that we won't actually need any machinery to clear the land, so our budget remains the same. One builder said we would need to do some earth moving, but others have confirmed that won't be necessary. Our primary land clearing tools will be machetes!