Catching Up

I have to begin by apologizing for how long it has been since I posted an update. We’ve certainly had a lot happening in the meantime, so I will get you right to it.

Praise God that Bianca got all her paperwork in time for her trip to Colombia back in March. It was much closer than we would have liked. The whole process was supposed to happen online, but it didn’t function properly and information kept getting lost. Jessenia ended up having to take Bianca and her mom to the Colombian Embassy the week they were supposed to fly, and finally got her visa approved with one day to spare! The trip to Colombia opened Bianca’s eyes to both the similarities and differences around the world. We didn’t talk much while she was there, but once she got back we heard it all. As I drove her home from the airport, she told me all about the debate and sessions, how she felt on the plane, the funny things that happened, how her group was popular among the other participants, and stories that were funny to her but not to me…I guess you had to be there 🙂 The overwhelming sense I got from her was the joy of belonging. She felt at home with her fellow participants and the community they enjoyed. We pray she continues to seek God-loving community as she finishes this school year and prepares for college. Thanks so much to those who donated specifically towards her trip!

An even bigger praise report relates to Tatiana’s baby boy, Abraham. You may recall he had surgery to remove a tumor from his liver, and was scheduled to receive chemotherapy treatment. The doctors said the surgery went well, but the chemo was quite a challenge for Abraham and Tatiana. The poor little guy would lose his appetite, get really lethargic, and his friendly personality dulled. Tati’s heart suffered watching her baby go through the treatments, which always brought on vomitting, hair loss, and other symptoms. The first rounds are over now, and they’ll monitor his progress over the next several months. We spent some time with them recently, and we could still see the effects. His hair has yet to grow back, and his personality is a dim reflection of what it was. He used to pass happily from one set of arms to another, but now he cries for his mom almost instantly. We praise God for bringing them through thus far, and continue to hold them up in prayer that the cancer be completely removed and never return in the Name of Jesus.

Jessenia with Tati & boys post surgery

We Bains had our own health scare in May. The long story involves a couple weeks of uncertainty, division, fear, and a meningitis scare that led to Jeruahel being hospitalized. The short story is that there was no danger of meningitis, but we did discover her adenoids were enlarged. The ENT strongly recommended we have them removed, pointing to this as the cause for Jeruahel’s continual sinus and ear problems. The surgery went very well, was even easier than the doctor expected, and has thus far been a game changer. She hasn’t gotten sick since the surgery, and while she used to wake up crying in the middle of the night (a symptom of adenoids blocking air passages), it hasn’t happened once. Praise God! We pray the LORD continues to strengthen Jeruahel as she grows in the Image and Likeness of God.

The children are more than halfway through their school year, and we recently got their first semester report cards. Overall they are getting by, but we’d rather see them encouraged in their learning. Margine continues to show more responsibility than in the past, and we pray she keeps growing in self-confidence and taking pride in her work. Vanessa loves school and improved her performance over the last quarter. She turns 10 on August 2nd, and continues to be full of joy. Jeremy is now 14 and seems less interested in his school work. He is very intelligent, but unfortunately tries to do the minimum required to get by. We encourage him to do his best and take pride in his work, but it’s a work in progress. Ezequiel will turn 11 on August 12th, and he is progressing in our eyes. The school has a slightly different perspective, thinking he might need some additional help. So they are going to do some evaluations and see if there are ways to help his study skills improve. Noel’s birthday is also in August, as he will turn 19 on the 21st. He and Bianca are in the home stretch as they graduate in 4 months! Please continue to pray for them to know first and foremost their value as God’s sons and daughters, and for their eyes to be opened to the future He has planned for them.

There is much more to share, but I’ll stop for now. I plan to write monthly posts the rest of this year to get us all caught up. The LORD is remarkably faithful, grandiose, and wonderful. His Love never fails, and His mercies are new every morning. Recently, I am overcome each time I stop to think about His greatness and Love for us. It never ceases to amaze me how He, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, the Possessor of the Heavens and the Earth, Loves and cares for us so sacrificially, knowing we could never repay Him. It’s just who He IS.


  1. Chip

    Thanks for the update and all the details on everyone. What you and Jessenia and your people do is so real and matters so much. ☮️🙏

  2. John Hull

    Great update. Thanks Daniel. Be helpful to connect people pictures so as to see
    the the ones you speak of. We want to resume financial support but will need guidance as to how to do it. You family is doing a great work. Blessings to you all.
    John & Marylee Hull

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